We have also modified the El Corte Inglés job search process. You no longer have to send your CV via email, but rather register via the new El Corte Inglés careers portal and upload your CV, adding your educational background, experience, etc. This way you’ll be able to see all the job offers available in that moment and apply for those relating to your educational background, interests and experience.
The El Corte Inglés careers portal is the new way to access all our companies’ job opportunities and put your best foot forward. We now categorise all El Corte Inglés job offers so that you can find a job that suits your educational background, experience and capabilities, quickly and easily.
We offer several personalisation options: upload your CV, add a photo and cover letter, save your job searches, view your application history, add your educational background, etc.
Additionally, you can now find job offers intuitively by sector as well as by location.